Sandy, Clackamas County, OR Heath Club, Gym & Yoga Studio Insurance
Get your insurance in shape with this program for health and exercise clubs, including exercise equipment clubs, aerobic studios, weight-lifting gyms, personal trainers, masseuses/massage parlors, dance studios and physical therapists. Childcare for club members while on premises is included. Compare our free, no-obligation price quote for gym, yoga, health & fitness studios. The insurance you need to protect your health club, fitness center, day spas, rec centers, or gym.
General Liability
- Primary Limits up to $3,000,000 Occurrence/Aggregate
- Hired and Non-owned Auto
- Liquor Liability
Included Coverages:
- Medical Payments Coverage - $5,000 Limit
- Blanket Additional Insured Endorsement
- Club members as additional insureds
- Errors and Omissions - Policy Limits
- Sexual and Physical Abuse Coverage - $25,000 per Claim/$50,000 Aggregate (Higher optional limits available)
- Basic, Broad or Special Form
- Replacement Cost or ACV
- Building
- Contents
- Business Income
- Equipment Breakdown
- Accounts Receivable
- Computer Equipment
- Outside Signs
- Valuable Papers
- Food Spoilage
- Inside the Premises - Theft of Money and Securities
- Outside the Premises
Let the CCB Insurance Services, help you understand and protect all of the risks you run and all of the perils your business faces. We will do this with a well thought out and executed business insurance policy designed just for our Health Club Insurance policy holders.